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Lead singer @ silverstage from day one after many different musical experiences solo or in bands from France to California, Brittany ,Ireland etc ....

MARIANNE G WOLF is now bringing her hard rock metal from the 80's influences on to SILVERSTAGE

She 's the heart of the band and a natural born melody maker


"We are SILVERSTAGE and I'm playing guitar!!!"

Jayd the bear, after being the guitar player of Lunatic Asylum ,hector biozio (the clown project ) and wishy washy,

is now @ silverstage also from day one 

Many influences from Metallica to Mr bungle crossing Kid rock and Madball

Jayd  is the riff machine with an attitude  



Jeff Monaco is definitely the fingers of the band being influenced by Iron Maiden from the beginning

He developed is own technique that makes him sound a lot like Mr Steve Harris

He is the supercharged engine of the band

Jeff is also renowned for his many videos on youtube 

Lilian alias "pupitre" just took our drums in June 2017 he is also "the young guy" 

He brought a modern technique to Silverstage to make us sound like heavy metal of right now !!

Lilian was advised by Marc Varez from the legendary French band "Vulcain" who was his drums teacher from the beginning 

He is now the groove of Silverstage 

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